
If you want to tell us or ask us something, we will be more than pleased to help you with everything you need. You just have to fill in and send the following form and we will get in touch with you quickly.

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Monday to friday 7:30h – 00:00h

Saturdays 8:00h – 00:00h

Holidays OPEN

Find us

Entença, 303-305

08029 Barcelona

933 633 148





Encontrarás un amplio surtido de platos y platillos para compartir, bocadillos especiales, carta, el mejor café y maravillosos y genuinos postres, sin olvidar la excelente oferta de vinos, cavas y cócteles.


Trobaràs un ampli assortiment de plats i platillos per compartir, entrepans especials, carta, el millor cafè i meravellosos i genuïns postres, sense oblidar l'excel·lent oferta de vins, caves i còctels.


You will find a wide assortment of dishes and saucers to share, special sandwiches, menu, the best coffee and wonderful and genuine desserts, without forgetting the excellent offer of wines, cavas and cocktails.



[;ca]QUE FEM

[;en]WHAT DO WE DO[;]




[;es]No lo pienses más, haz tu RESERVA.[;ca]No t'ho pensis més, fes la teva  RESERVA.[;en]Do not hesitate, make your RESERVATION.[;]



[;en]FOLLOW US[;]






[;es]Lunes a viernes 7:30h - 00:00h
Sábados 8:00h - 00:00h
Festivos ABIERTO[;ca]

Dilluns a divendres 7:30h - 00:00h
Dissabtes 8:00h - 00:00h
Festius OBERT[;en]

Monday to friday 7:30h - 00:00h
Saturdays 8:00h - 00:00h
Holidays OPEN[;]

[;es]Copyright © Classroom Restaurant.[;ca]Copyright © Classroom Restaurant.[;en]Copyright © Classroom Restaurant.[;]

[;es]Página web realizada por ProdeX-Informática.[;ca]Pàgina web realitzada per ProdeX-Informática.[;en]Web design by ProdeX-Informática.[;]

[;es]Local diseñado por Byral.[;ca]Local dissenyat per Byral.[;en]Local designed by Byral.[;]

[;es]Consulta nuestra Política de privacidad y cookies.[;ca]Consulta la nostra Política de privacitat i cookies.[;en]Check our privacy and cookies Policy.[;]